"You cannot change the world for everyone, but you can change it for someone..."
Hope House (Enju Ya'Masiko) is a charitable organization devoted to making the world a better place through various initiatives designed to help those in need. Together, we can make a difference in the world for generations to come. Whether you want to contribute with money or time, read more about our work and learn how you can make a change today.
"All kids need is a little help, a little hope and someone who believes in them" Marge Johnson
Founded in 2017, Hope House (Enju Ya'Masiko) inspires action and supports communities. We’re driven by a firm belief in the power of humanity and the power of God. We work hard to ease the burdens faced by those we work with. Join us to make this community a better one, where the poorest people get a chance in life.
Our Charity Aims are:
To promote the advancement of education and training, relief of poverty and sickness and preservation of health of people living in the Kanungu district of Uganda by the provision of items, services, sponsorship; working in partnership with local people and organizations.
Hope House Charity (HOHO) exists to make a difference in the lives of people physically, emotional and spiritually who live in poverty in Uganda.

Changing the world, one life at a time...
Hope House (Enju Ya'Masiko), is a small UK registered Charity that supports communities in Uganda, helping families in poverty through a range of locally based projects. Hope House are dedicated to helping those in the most desperate need - regardless of their race, tribe, religion, sexuality or disability. With the dedication of our volunteers, trustees, sponsors and partners, we strive to improve the lives of the poorest within the local communities we serve.
We run many initiatives in Kambuga Sub County, South West Uganda and have a purpose built Community Centre there. This is a hub for many projects that help to alleviate poverty and support our sponsored children and their families. We work closely with local people and agencies in order to provide the best support for this amazing community. Contact us to see what you can do to bring about positive change.

"Anyone who has ever struggled with poverty knows how expensive it is to be poor."
James Baldwin

“Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness.” – Desmond Tutu
Since our inception, we’ve worked around the clock to expand our causes and help those who need our help. Every contribution goes toward making lives better for the people of Uganda. We do this in many ways, through educating children, supporting families, a farming project that provides a home and training for destitute and homeless boys, school infrastructure projects, supporting girls to stay in education, community based projects, micro-finance initiatives and health and family planning education

“If you can’t feed a hundred people, then feed just one.” Mother Theresa
One of our aims is to support as many families as possible who are living in poverty. We do this with food support, providing tools and seed for communities to grow their own food, micro-business initiatives, health and family advice and other locally led projects that run in the community and from Hope House
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” Nelson Mandela
One of our projects here at Hope House (Enju Ya'Masiko) is Educating Children in local schools, an issue that is a top priority in order for any child to have a chance of improving their lives. Our sponsorship programme provides nursery, primary, secondary education and vocational training for children and young people. To sponsor a child, contact us for more information. It will not only change a child's life, but your own as well.

"The presence of even a single poor child on the streets means a million defeats for mankind" Mehmet Murat Iidan
One of our projects is to ensure that the most vulnerable in the area are safe and have their basic needs met, to have a place to call home. Our farm in Katete, provides a home, training and safety for boys who are homeless, destitute or abandoned.
I have found that among its other benefits, giving liberates the soul of the giver." Maya Angelou
Another project at Hope House (Enju Ya'Masiko) is supporting communities to improve their circumstances. Helping communities help each other. This can be in the form of wealth creation, micro finance, savings clubs, health initiatives and generally bringing communities together to eat, socialise and pray together. We always want people with skills that can help our communities to visit and share their knowledge.